Lent: “Remember you are dust, and to dust you will return”

May the Lenten journey produce changes of attitude, so necessary in today’s world towards order and peace, not only in the family, but especially in society.
Regarding Subjectivism

The idea of truth today has been replaced by that of change, of progress, of consensus… each person “creates” the truth and establishes what is true and what is false, what is good and what is evil.
Marian Mission in Christ Cathedral

From January 28 to February 2, the Pilgrim Statue visited the Christ Cathedral in Garden Grove, California. Throughout the week, a variety of devotions and activities were realized with all three communities of the Cathedral, English, Spanish and Vietnamese.
To Be Threatened or to Threaten?

Much has been said recently about the threats of every kind surrounding the barque of the Holy Church in the increasingly tempestuous waters of this world. They are real, without any doubt. However, little or no mention is made of the threats uttered by the divine lips of the One who constituted that same barque […]
The Most Subtle of Revolutions… and the Most Effective

The great revolutionary upheavals surprise superficial observers, by suddenly bringing about drastic changes in the social fabric. They ignore the fact that none of these successes would be possible without meticulous preparation.
Masterpiece and “masterpieces” – Revolution & Counter Revolution

Many men write books, but few leave a legacy, a school of life and thought. The RCR was the foundation of Dr. Plinio’s work; his children, the living stones of that building.
A Process of Denial of God

God will provide the final victory in due course and by mysterious means. The former prince of this world will no longer be able to dominate as before; Satan’s attempts, although they cause much evil, will never obtain the supreme triumph.
“A great portent appeared in Heaven”

Fully associated with the victory of Jesus Christ over sin and death, the Immaculate Virgin is in the centre of the Church. Mary helps us to see a light beyond the blanket of thick fog which seems to cover reality.
History and Spirituality of Gregorian Chant

Spiritual music par excellence, chant requires not only skill in execution, but also piety and humility, since the sonorous union of the singers is a symbol of the intermingling of the faithful who come together to worship God.
“To die with sword in hand against hell”

For St. Leonard of Port Maurice, missionary work was not an obstacle to recollection, but was seen as a campaign against hell, for which he momentarily abandoned the peace of the cloister for the good of souls.