A Living Light

Sacred Scripture abounds with uplifting accounts of holy women, such as Hannah, the persevering mother of Samuel; Elizabeth, the faithful mother of John the Baptist; and especially the Virgin Mary, Mother of the Word made Man. In the examples mentioned, especially in Our Lady, holiness was inseparable from motherhood. By her unconditional yes to the […]
To Be Threatened or to Threaten?

Much has been said recently about the threats of every kind surrounding the barque of the Holy Church in the increasingly tempestuous waters of this world. They are real, without any doubt. However, little or no mention is made of the threats uttered by the divine lips of the One who constituted that same barque […]
Masterpiece and “masterpieces” – Revolution & Counter Revolution

Many men write books, but few leave a legacy, a school of life and thought. The RCR was the foundation of Dr. Plinio’s work; his children, the living stones of that building.
“Ecclesia semper sanctificanda”

The Church arose from the evangelizing impetus of her Founder, Jesus Christ, who gave the Apostles the power to cast out demons, to heal sicknesses and, above all, to proclaim the Kingdom of God (cf. Lk 9:1-2). The Redeemer’s last address to His disciples, as a corollary of His mission, was the cogent summons to […]
Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Sacred Art

In the beginning, God created Heaven and earth and discerned that the whole was “very good” (Gn 1:31) or beautiful, according to a possible translation of the Greek text. In fact, the universe was shaped by the work of His fingers (cf. Ps 8:3) and He crowned it with “glory and honour” (Ps 8:5). The Creator’s masterpiece was […]
St. Thomas-the Great

Few historical personages have deserved the title the Great. Alexander received it for his military conquests and the expansion of the Macedonian Empire. Charlemagne, also called the father of Europe, was great because a new civilization was born of him and his Holy Roman-Germanic Empire. Others tried to so denominate themselves, like Napoleon Bonaparte, but […]
Revolution and Counter-Revolution of the Heart

The heart, already in antiquity, was considered a symbol of the very core of the human personality. Among the Greeks, for example, it circumscribed reason or the emotions, and among the Romans there was the association of the heart with love, as well as courage, since soldiers were decorated with bronze hearts for acts of […]
The Great Return

According to St. Thomas Aquinas, the Creator made the universe according to the exitus-reditus scheme: creatures left God’s hands (exitus) in order to return to Him (reditus). In the Old Testament, the Lord facilitated this “return” through the covenant with Israel. It was up to the chosen people to respond to this call – particularly […]
The “Chinese River”

Among various metaphors that Dr. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira used to describe the journey of the human being on this earth, the one he called “Chinese river” holds a special place of prominence. As is known, due to the irregular topography of China, its waterways follow particularly winding paths. Sometimes, the tributaries even seem to […]
The Spring & the Sword

An old proverb rightly states that “weak men create hard times.” If this is so, the problems of the current age can be understood… Scenes that promote the culture of victimhood, such as reporters crying on live television or parents afraid to reprimand their children, would have been unthinkable until recently. We are immersed in […]