The Church Cannot Silence the Spirit of Truth
As in past centuries, so also today there are people or groups who obscure this centuries-old Tradition, seeking to falsify the Word of Christ and to remove from the Gospel those truths which in their view are too uncomfortable for modern man.
The Mystery of the Holy Eucharist
All the faithful should be aware that to participate in the Eucharistic Sacrifice is their chief duty and supreme dignity, with such earnestness and concentration that they may be united as closely as possible with the High Priest.
Generous Cooperation with the Holy Spirit
St. Bernard rightly affirms: “Coming to her the Holy Spirit filled her with grace for herself; when the same Spirit pervaded her again, She became superabundant and redounding in grace for us also.”
Paradigm of Motherhood
In Mary, Eve discovers the nature of the true dignity of woman, of feminine humanity. This discovery must continually reach the heart of every woman and shape her vocation and her life.
A Process of Denial of God
God will provide the final victory in due course and by mysterious means. The former prince of this world will no longer be able to dominate as before; Satan’s attempts, although they cause much evil, will never obtain the supreme triumph.
“A great portent appeared in Heaven”
Fully associated with the victory of Jesus Christ over sin and death, the Immaculate Virgin is in the centre of the Church. Mary helps us to see a light beyond the blanket of thick fog which seems to cover reality.
Universal Call to Conversion
Mary’s call at Fatima is renewed for subsequent generations so as to be responded to according to the ever new “signs of the times”.
Fairer, Stronger and Purer
When the Church appears to be buffeted and almost capsized in the raging storm, it is then that she comes forth fairer, stronger, purer, and brighter with the shine of distinguished virtues.
Let Us Learn from the Teachings of St. Thomas
The effort of the human mind – Aquinas reminds us with his own life – is always illumined by prayer, by the light that comes from on high. Only those who live with God and with His mysteries can also understand what they say to us.
Like a Blind Man by the Roadside
Those who recognize the darkness of their blindness and understand that they lack eternal light, should cry from the depth of their hearts like the blind man of Jericho: “Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me!”