Love of Authority and the Priesthood

The art of educating involves instilling a love for authority in a child. By her example and words, Dona Lucilia taught her children to venerate what was superior to them, especially souls consecrated to God.

The Perfect Priest

From the expulsion from Paradise until the coming of the Redeemer, humanity glimpsed in imperfect figures the Absolute Pontiff, in whose power of mediation all the priests of the New Law would participate.

Abyss of All Virtues

To be true devotees of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, it is not enough to know and love only one of His aspects; it is necessary to have a vision of the whole range of virtues that His Heart represents.

Converted by the Beauty of the Church

The conversion process, at once sublime and spectacular, of a great French writer demonstrates the perpetuity and power of the graces emanating from the Holy Church, capable of attracting souls to sanctity.

God’s Chosen Ones

Those who suffer persecution for the sake of justice may undergo times of aridity and terrible trial, but they are continually sustained, preserving an interior happiness that is worth more than all earthly joys.

Fond Christmas Memories

In narrating the reminiscences of his childhood, Dr. Plinio took delight in recreating the climate of innocence that pervaded Christmas festivities of that time. This was especially true in his home, where Dona Lucilia’s piety and affection made them particularly joyful.

A Gate of Heaven Opened for the World

Those who visit the Rue du Bac Chapel in Paris, where Our Lady appeared, feel enveloped by an intense feeling of peace, of calm and open skies, as if there were no obstacles between earth and blessed eternity.