God’s Ambassadors, Models for Men
We human beings must also return to being angels to one another – angels who turn people away from erroneous ways and direct them always, ever anew, to God.
The Interrelationship of the Three Archangels
St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael each have their own titles of primacy, which complement one another and favour their action among men.
St. Francis of Assisi – The Joy of Unpretentiousness and Complete Surrender
A living example of genuine detachment and the purest unpretentiousness, St. Francis shone for his poverty of spirit. Convinced that the form of this world is passing away, his heart was free from any attachment.
St. Michael the Archangel – Protector of the Holy Church
St. Michael is always of the utmost zeal in defending the divine honour; similarly, he never fails to protect the Mystical Body of Christ, especially in times of greatest danger.
A Gate of Heaven Opened for the World
Those who visit the Rue du Bac Chapel in Paris, where Our Lady appeared, feel enveloped by an intense feeling of peace, of calm and open skies, as if there were no obstacles between earth and blessed eternity.
Blessed Margaret Pole – The Price of Integrity
Margaret shone in English history for her virtue and her faith, even when the unjust hatred of the schismatic Henry VIII found in her a victim and an enemy to destroy.
Consecrated to the Service of the Temple
The little Mary was radiant with joy to know that She would be consecrated to God’s service that day. Her presentation, like an immaculate offering made by Joachim in the hands of Simeon, cried out for the coming of the awaited Messiah.
How Did the Bible Come Down To Us?
The originals have not been conserved, nor many of the subsequent copies, of the 73 books of the Bible. Then how did the Word of God contained within them come down to us intact?
St. Raphael the Archangel – Divine Benevolence Personified in an Angel
The charming story of Tobit introduces us to an Archangel who worthily represents divine providence and even motherliness. His protection is always within our reach, for he greatly desires to journey with us.
Keeping the Lord’s Day Holy
Dominated by the cult of speed, contemporary life makes it difficult to fulfill the Third Commandment of the Law of God. However, today, more than ever, there are abundant reasons to dedicate a day to the Creator.