
The Heralds of the Gospel is an international private association of the Christ’s faithful of pontifical right founded by Msgr. João Scognamiglio Clá Dias. The Heralds are present in more than seventy countries.

Comprised of various forms of consecrated life, it strives daily to bring the message of the Gospel to all men, but especially to young people, by touching their hearts by means of beauty “that will save the world.”

The Order

Our religious family includes two societies of apostolic life of pontifical right:
Virgo Flos Carmeli (clerical society) and
Regina Virginum (society of apostolic life for women).


Voice of the Popes

The Church Cannot Silence the Spirit of Truth

As in past centuries, so also today there are people or groups who obscure this centuries-old Tradition, seeking to falsify the Word of Christ and to remove from the Gospel those truths which in their view are too uncomfortable for modern man.

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Gospel Commentary

Solemnity of St. Peter and St. Paul

A simple fisherman from Bethsaida proclaims that the son of a carpenter is truly the Son of God, by nature. There was planted the mustard seed, from which would be born the churches, the ceremonies, the universities, the martyrs, doctors and saints, in short, the Holy Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Church.

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About Our Founder

Monsignor João Scognamiglio Clá Dias, E.P.,
an honorary canon of the Papal Basilica of Saint Mary Major in Rome, is the founder of the international private association of Christ’s faithful of pontifical right Heralds of the Gospel, of the clerical society of apostolic life, Virgo Flos Carmeli, and of the society of apostolic life for women, Regina Virginum.

msgr joao cla dias ep


Heralds of the Gospel Magazine

Heralds of the Gospel magazine is currently published in English, Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian.

With over a million copies printed each month, distribution extends to every country on the American continents, as well as numerous countries in Africa, Asia and Europe.

New Insights on the Gospels


7 Volume Collection

“What a remarkable movement is the Heralds! I spent my time this afternoon at JFK airport and my flight back to Pittsburgh reading New Insights- with great profit and excitement. I am so impressed by Msgr. Scognamiglio’s profound insight into Scripture as well as the spiritual wisdom that he communicates so clearly.”

Dr. Scott Hahn – Fr. Scanlan, Chair of Biblical Theology and New Evangelization – Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio, USA.

Heralds Worldwide

Heraldos del Evangelio (Spanish)

Arautos do Evangelho (Portuguese)

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