The Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima in San Fernando, California
The Heralds of the Gospel took the Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima to the Parish of St. Rose of Lima in San Fernando, California for a Marian Mission.
The goal was to stimulate and instill in the hearts of the parishioners a true, genuine and intimate devotion to Mary Most Holy so to bring them closer to Our Lord Jesus Christ and to His Holy Church.
Here are some of the many activities that took place throughout the Mission.
Our Lady arrives!
The Marian Mission was inaugurated with a warm welcome of the Pilgrim Statue and a procession around the block of the Parish while praying the Holy Rosary.
At the entrance of the Church, Our Lady was received by the priests of the parish. A moment when all the hopes and intentions for the Marian Mission were deposited in the maternal hands of Our Lady.
Visiting the Parishioners
A unique apostolate of the Marian Mission is taking the Pilgrim Statue to the parishioners’ houses.
It is a special moment for prayer and confiding in the intercession of Our Blessed Mother.
During the visit, the parishioners were also invited to participate fully in the Marian Mission.
Formation talks, devotions, and Sacraments

Throughout the Mission, two daily Holy Masses were offered, as well as daily Confession.
Formation talks on devotion to Our Lady, daily recitation of the Holy Rosary and other devotions were also part of the Marian Mission.
Consecration of the Parish to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
The whole Marian Mission culminated in the Consecration of the Parish to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
After celebrating Holy Mass with all the parishioners, Rev. Alberto Arreola placed the Parish under the infallible care of Mary Most Holy. And expressed his gratitude for Our Lady’s generous visit to his Parish.

Afterward, the parishioners went up to venerate Our Lady so to thank Her for all the graces they received through Her intercession.