Keeping the Lord’s Day Holy

Dominated by the cult of speed, contemporary life makes it difficult to fulfill the Third Commandment of the Law of God. However, today, more than ever, there are abundant reasons to dedicate a day to the Creator.

Heroes Born of Failure

At first sight, the story of Shackleton and his men appears to be an endless succession of failures and sufferings. But considered in the light of faith, it has many important lessons to offer for our spiritual life.

St. Edmund – King, Virgin and Martyr!

Inflexible against the wicked and a true father to his subjects, this valiant king of unblemished purity knew how to be shrewd in fleeing from his enemies, but above all, to be a hero in answer to God’s call. On England’s east coast, against the blue backdrop of the sea, towered a castle, King Edmund’s […]

Who Is the “Author” of Devotion to Our Lady?

If St. Paul claims that there is “one Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,” why resort to the intercession of the Virgin Mary? Would it not be more appropriate to have recourse directly to Our Lord? Throughout the centuries, there has been much discussion over the cult paid to Our Lady, which […]

I will become a famous nun!

Dreaming of the Hollywood stage, a talented young woman received an unexpected proposal… Little did she imagine that behind this invitation was the hand of Providence eager to draw her to Himself. In the 21st century, more than two thousand years after the supreme Sacrifice on Calvary, holiness is often thought to be a passé […]

Heaven is for those who confide!

When temptations seem unrelenting, the trials of life threaten to destroy us and God seemingly does not hear our prayers, it is time for confidence in Providence. Navigating the tempestuous Sea of Tiberias with its angry waves, the disciples of Jesus fought to reach Capernaum in the black of night. They were experienced fishermen, they […]

The Holy Rosary- A prayer that leads to the Reign of Mary

In the apparitions of Fatima, Our Lady asked the three shepherd children for the daily recitation of the Holy Rosary. What treasures does this devotion contain that makes it so pleasing to the Blessed Virgin? In every historical age, especially in times of great crisis, Divine Providence has brought forth souls who act as living […]

Mary: God’s Brilliant Response

Mount Carmel symbolically harmonizes the pinnacle of the divine response to evil and unshakeable faith in the fulfilment of the sweetest and most sublime promise: the Incarnation of the Word in the most pure womb of Mary ever-Virgin. Gospel for the Memorial of Our Lady of Mount Carmel 46 While Jesus was speaking to the crowds, […]