The Canticle of the Threefold Secret

With poetic flair and unsurpassable orthodoxy, St. Thomas Aquinas bequeathed to posterity, in a short antiphon, an explanation of the doctrine and ineffable mystery contained in the august Sacrament of Love.

The Sign of Divine Love

To consider the corrective or punitive character of suffering is quite reasonable; however, how can we explain the trial that befalls the innocent?

Abyss of All Virtues

To be true devotees of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, it is not enough to know and love only one of His aspects; it is necessary to have a vision of the whole range of virtues that His Heart represents.

First Saturday Devotion – June 3, 2023

The First Saturday Devotion- June 3, 2023 See below pictures of the First Saturday Devotion that took place on June 3, 2023 at Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Miami, Florida. Solemn Crowning of the Pilgrim Statue As a symbol of the reparation done through the devotion, a solemn crowning of the Pilgrim Statue of Our […]

Torrent of Marian Graces

In the mystery of the Visitation, we contemplate the first announcement of the Universal Mediation of Mary Most Holy, through whom her Divine Son will soon renew the face of the earth with a conflagration of grace and mercy.

Decisive Hour in History

Crowning the statue of Our Lady, you have made a pledge of filial and constant correspondence to her love. You have done more: you have enlisted crusaders for the conquest of her Reign, which is the Reign of God. And in this struggle there can be no neutral or undecided parties.

A Stepping-Stone for Devotion to Our Lady

Even amid such pain, Dona Lucilia still had the equanimity to be more concerned about his state of health than her own situation. It was, therefore, a selfless affection, devoid of egoism, based only on love of God.

Fatima: expectations and contemporary relevance

Our Lady manifested her very insightful prophetism to the little shepherds, not only to foretell future events, but also, and principally, to show the world the only way to avoid the debacle.