Conversion: An Initiative of God

In order to draw us to holiness, Divine Providence sends a special grace of conversion; in its current situation, humanity needs this form of help in order to fulfil God’s plans for it.
The Mentality of Jesus

Love for Our Lord Jesus Christ, when authentic, leads society to conform to Him. True civilization is born from this fidelity to Baptism.
Father Manuel in the United States- 2024

Father Manuel Rodríguez, EP came to the United States to meet with those who did online their course of consecration to Our Lady.
Funeral Mass of Founder of the Heralds of the Gospel

On November 1, the Founder of the Heralds of the Gospel enters for the last time in the Basilica for the Funeral Mass.
Childhood of the Founder of the Heralds of the Gospel

The childhood of Monsignor João bears witness to how the light of innocence can determine the course of a unique vocation.
Founder of the Heralds of the Gospel, Dies and Surrenders His Soul

On November 1, comforted by
the Sacraments of the Holy Church , Msgr.
João Scognamiglio Clá Dias, EP, founder of the Heralds of the Gospel, dies and serenely surrenders his soul to God.
The Combat Against the Devil

In a world increasingly familiarized with the dramatic reality of war, Catholics can be led to forget that the most serious battles in life are not those fought with weapons and physical enemies.
The Future Passes Through the Rosary Beads!

The Rosary is a pious practice of immense efficacy for personal and collective sanctification. By praying it devoutly, especially fruitful graces are obtained, which will culminate in the victory of good.
St. James, the first martyred Apostle

James is one of the twelve Apostles of Jesus; son of Zebedee. He and his brother John were called by Jesus while they were mending their fishing nets on Lake Gennesaret. St. James the Apostle has paved the way for the world to recognize the Blessed Virgin as the “Pillar” of our Church.
Solemnity of St. Peter and St. Paul

A simple fisherman from Bethsaida proclaims that the son of a carpenter is truly the Son of God, by nature. There was planted the mustard seed, from which would be born the churches, the ceremonies, the universities, the martyrs, doctors and saints, in short, the Holy Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Church.