João Scognamiglio Clá Dias, E.P.

João Scognamiglio Clá Dias, E.P.

“Like a tree planted by streams of water,” (Psalm 1: 3), the Heralds of the Gospel soon “spread its branches” in over 70 countries, producing abundant fruit.
In view of this prodigious expansion, many wonder:

What is the secret of this rapid growth? What is behind the Heralds?
Everything becomes clearer when we go back to the beginning.
This is where it all started.

The Founder of the Heralds of the Gospel

Monsignor João Scognamiglio Clá Dias, E.P., an honorary canon of the Papal Basilica of Saint Mary Major in Rome, is the founder of the Catholic international private association of Christ’s faithful of pontifical right Heralds of the Gospel, of the clerical society of apostolic life Virgo Flos Carmeli and of the society of apostolic life for women Regina Virginum.

The dawn of a Great Vocation

The childhood of Monsignor João bears witness to how the light of innocence can determine the course of a unique vocation.

A Providential Encounter

Dr Plinio began to shape young João’s mentality, encouraging him in the practice of virtue, stimulating him in the service of the Holy Mother Church and pointing him in the right direction. Between the two there was the most sincere exchange of ideals and dedication of wills in favor of the Holy Church.

A heavenly bond

A follower of Dr. Plinio, Msgr. João also met up-close his virtuous mother, Dona Lucilia, with whom he had a brief but sublime relationship that left an indelible mark on him.

More than a Founder

In addition to being the founder of an institution, he was also a model of conduct, an attentive teacher and a “stumbling block”, ready to counter the excesses and errors of his time.

A man like unto Our Lord

The Eucharist is the culmination and goal of Christian life. Through Monsignor João’s relationship with the most Blessed Sacrament, we can discern the very high degree to which his spiritual life had reached.

He suffered with Christ, to be glorified with Him

The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ is carried on in the members of his Mystical Body, which is the Church. In this holocaust, Our Lord presented his wounded face to Monsignor João, asking him to allow himself to be nailed to the cross and to suffer with Holy Mother Church and for her.

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