Amidst the war between Ukraine and Russia, many families are suffering innumerable difficulties and tragedies. And these moments are when true charity must be shown unto those who are suffering, not looking at the risks that providing this help may bring. Wanting to shine the light of the Gospel upon the Ukrainian families, the Heralds of the Gospel took the initiative to provide these refugee families in Ukraine with a variety of essential provisions.
The Heralds of the Gospel began collecting donations in Portugal, from where they would travel to Ukraine and deliver the donations themselves.
Having in mind that the spiritual aid has a far greater value than the material, the Heralds of the Gospel passed through Lourdes so to ask, through the intercession of Mary Most Holy, that a light of hope and comfort may shine upon the affected families.
Soon after the important visit to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes, the Heralds of the Gospel went to the refugee center of Hrubieszów near Ukraine, bringing the donations and, most importantly, the presence of the Pilgrim Image of Our Lady of Fatima.
Once in Ukraine, Our Lady of Fatima was taken not only to the refugee centers, but also to nearby parishes so to spread the certainty of the protection and care that Our Lady has for Her children that find themselves in extreme hardship.
The Heralds of the Gospel extend a deep appreciation to all those who helped this initiative and helped to fulfill this mission of charity and hope.