The Future Passes Through the Rosary Beads!

The Rosary is a pious practice of immense efficacy for personal and collective sanctification. By praying it devoutly, especially fruitful graces are obtained, which will culminate in the victory of good.
The Indestructible Chair

Peter’s confession of faith, inspired by the Father of Lights, makes the Church an unbreakable rock against which crash the arrogant waves of error. No man will be able to destroy it or even shake it, for it is Christ who founded it.
The Omnipotence of True Love

Those who walk the path of faith as good soldiers of Christ must remain continually on the alert in order to overcome the enemies of salvation. For this, there is no weapon more powerful than true brotherly love.
All or Nothing…

Faced with the captivating beauty of the Son of God and the extraordinary gift of being called to the Kingdom of Heaven, we must completely renounce whatever separates us from this end, and give all, or we will have given nothing.
Jesus’ Heart Was Moved with Pity…

Over the course of history, many have sacrificed their lives for God, or perhaps for a loved one. But who would lay down their life for an enemy? Jesus precisely did this to save each one of us!
Torrent of Marian Graces

In the mystery of the Visitation, we contemplate the first announcement of the Universal Mediation of Mary Most Holy, through whom her Divine Son will soon renew the face of the earth with a conflagration of grace and mercy.
The Marian Dawn of the Resurrection

The Liturgy invites us to share in the joy that filled Our Lord at that most glorious of all moments, when He reassumed His Sacred Body. If we wish to have an idea of this joy, we can contemplate its most faithful echo in the Heart of Mary.
Be reconciled with God!

The Liturgy for Ash Wednesday presents us with a decisive clash between the ambassadors of Christ and those of the devil, whose battleground is present-day society and each particular soul. Which side will we choose at the beginning of this Lent?
On a Mystical Night… the Savior of Humanity Is Born!

What must have been the supernatural ambience that enveloped the most important event in history? Let us raise our hearts beyond the human circumstances and consider the sublimity of the Nativity of the Infant God!
The Reign of Christ Is Irreversible

At the hour of apparent humiliation, Jesus manifests the magnificence of His royalty and unveils the scope of His intentions for humanity.